Flemingate Shopping Centre, Beverley – location and store directory

Flemingate Shopping Centre, Beverley – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Opening hours

Flemingate Shopping Centre shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: HU17 0NQ
From Hull: Follow the A1079 directly from Hull to Beverley town centre and arrive at Flemingate in just 15 minutes.
From M62: Flemingate is one hour from Leeds and is easily accessible from the M62. Leaving at Junction 38 of the M62 you will travel 12 miles on A roads directly to Flemingate.
From York: Located 45 minutes from York, follow the A1079 directly to Beverley town centre.
From Driffield, Bridlington and Scarborough: Situated 30 minutes from Driffield, follow the A164 to Beverley town centre. From Birdlington, follow the A165. An estimated journey of 1 hour, follow the B1249 and A164 from Scarborough to Beverley.

Car park tariffs: 0 – 3 hours £1.00, 3 – 4 hours £2.00, 4 – 5 hours £3.00, over 5 hours £5.00, Sunday: 0 – 3 hours £1.00, over 3 hours £2.00.

By train
There are regular trains operating from Hull to Birdlington via Beverley. The shopping centre is a short walk away from Beverley train station.

By bus
Service 246 operates between Hornsea and Beverley. Service X80 runs from Hessle, Anlaby, Willerby and Cottingham to Flemingate.
Free Shuttle bus runs every Saturday between the hours of 09:00 and 18:00 on a circuitous route around Beverley with stops near Beverley Railway Station and Flemingate.

Flemingate Shopping Centre (Beverley)Location: Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 0NQ
4 stores  in Flemingate Shopping Centre at glocalabel.com

Flemingate Shopping Centre official website http://flemingate.co.uk/

Fashion stores at Flemingate Shopping Centre

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Flemingate Shopping Centre: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Trespass1 stores in Beverley+44 1482 880028
H&M1 stores in Beverley+44-3447369000
Peacocks1 stores in Beverley+44 1482 860101
River Island1 stores in Beverley