Shopping centres in Tampa
In Tampa there are 1 shopping centres shopping centres – we cover the best ones. Concise reviews, store locations and hours, product listings with pricing information, and directions
The most top-ranked malls in Tampa
Locations of top-ranked Tampa
International Plaza and Bay Street
tel. +1 (813) 872-2600 -
International Plaza and Bay Street
tel. +1 (813) 876-5170 -
International Plaza and Bay Street
Ann Taylor Location: None
Opening hours and map -
International Plaza and Bay Street
Victoria's Secret Location: 2223 N Westshore Blvd, Tampa, FL
Opening hours and map -
International Plaza and Bay Street
Victoria's Secret Pink Location: 2223 N Westshore Blvd, Tampa, FL
Opening hours and map -
International Plaza and Bay Street
tel. +1 813 348-0500