Las Americas Premium Outlets, San Diego – location and store directory

Las Americas Premium Outlets, San Diego – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +1 619 934-84-00.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 10am – 7pm

Las Americas Premium Outlets shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Las Americas Premium Outlets (San Diego)Location: 4211 Camino De La Plaza, San Diego, CA+1 619 934-84-00Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 10am – 7pm
17 stores  in Las Americas Premium Outlets at

Las Americas Premium Outlets official website

Fashion stores at Las Americas Premium Outlets

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Las Americas Premium Outlets: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Coach2 stores in San Diego+1 (619) 428-4390
adidasadidas Outlet Store1 stores in San Diego+1 (619) 662-0364
Michael Kors3 stores in San Diego+1 619 428-9800
Aeropostale2 stores in San Diego+1 619 690-1376
Old NavyOld Navy Outlet4 stores in San Diego+1 619 934-72-82
Nike2 stores in San Diego+1 (619) 428-8849
Converse1 stores in San Diego+1 (619) 428-1163
American EagleAmerican Eagle Outfitters Factory Store3 stores in San Diego+1 (619) 690-3384
New York & Company2 stores in San Diego+1 (619) 428 5741
Tommy Hilfiger2 stores in San Diego+1 619 934-7182
Chico's4 stores in San Diego+1 (619) 591-9110
Reebok2 stores in San Diego+1 619-662-1829
Under ArmourUnder Armour Outlet1 stores in San Diego+1 619 271-38-11
Banana Republic5 stores in San Diego+1 619 934-72-42
Forever 211 stores in San Diego+1 619 690-96-73
GapGap Outlet4 stores in San Diego+1 619 934-72-29
Ralph LaurenPolo Ralph Lauren Factory Store1 stores in San Diego+1 619 662-0369