Items available at  Northlake Mall

Northlake Mall, Charlotte – location and store directory

Northlake Mall, Charlotte – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +1 704 921-20-00.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 12pm – 6pm

Northlake Mall shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Northlake Mall (Charlotte)Location: 6801 Northlake Mall Dr, Charlotte, NC+1 704 921-20-00Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 10am – 9pm, Sun: 12pm – 6pm
16 stores  in Northlake Mall at

Northlake Mall official website

Fashion stores at Northlake Mall

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Northlake Mall: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

American EagleAerie by American Eagle Outfitters3 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 494-4096
Forever 211 stores in Charlotte+1 704 596-96-62
Macys2 stores in Charlotte+1 704 599-8137
Banana Republic4 stores in Charlotte+1 704 921-25-81
Aeropostale2 stores in Charlotte+1 704 598-3077
Sephora2 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 494-0380
Michael Kors3 stores in Charlotte+1 980 365-7932
New York & Company3 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 597 0263
Chico's3 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 921-4120
The Children's Place2 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 596-2211
Vans2 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 509-9576
H&M2 stores in Charlotte+1 855 466-7467
Express2 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 494-4187
Victoria's Secret3 stores in Charlotte+1 704 494-21-61
Hollister1 stores in Charlotte+1 704 599-4375
American Eagle3 stores in Charlotte+1 (704) 494-4096