Roosevelt Field, Garden City – location and store directory

Roosevelt Field, Garden City – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +1 516 742-80-00.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 10am – 9.30pm, Sun: 11am – 7pm

Roosevelt Field shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Roosevelt Field (Garden City)Location: 630 Old Country Rd, Garden City, NY+1 516 742-80-00Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 10am – 9.30pm, Sun: 11am – 7pm
23 stores  in Roosevelt Field at

Roosevelt Field official website

Fashion stores at Roosevelt Field

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Roosevelt Field: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Coach1 stores in Garden City+1 (516) 877-1772
Nike1 stores in Garden City+1 (516) 248-0280
H&M1 stores in Garden City+1 855 466-7467
Zara1 stores in Garden City+1 516 248-20-67
American Eagle2 stores in Garden City+1 (516) 248-9889
Victoria's Secret1 stores in Garden City+1 516 741-20-18
Victoria's Secret Pink1 stores in Garden City+1 516 741-10-65
Forever 211 stores in Garden City+1 516 873-93-79
American EagleAerie by American Eagle Outfitters2 stores in Garden City+1 (516) 248-9889
adidas1 stores in Garden City+1 (516) 248-0264
Aeropostale1 stores in Garden City+1 516 746-4031
Express1 stores in Garden City+1 (516) 873-2565
Hollister1 stores in Garden City+1 516 741-7345
Gap1 stores in Garden City+1 516 248-10-55
Banana Republic1 stores in Garden City+1 516 873-04-52
Michael Kors1 stores in Garden City+1 516 535-5844
Nordstrom1 stores in Garden City+1 516 746-0011
New York & Company1 stores in Garden City+1 (516) 248 8205