Items available at  Kildare Village

Kildare Village, Kildare – location and store directory

Kildare Village, Kildare – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +353 45 520501.

Opening hours

Mon-Wed: 10am – 7pm, Thu-Fri: 10am – 8pm, Sat: 9am – 8pm, Sun: 10am – 8pm

Kildare Village shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Kildare Village (Kildare)Location: Nurney Road, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, Ireland+353 45 520501Opening hours: Mon-Wed: 10am – 7pm, Thu-Fri: 10am – 8pm, Sat: 9am – 8pm, Sun: 10am – 8pm
79 stores  in Kildare Village at

Kildare Village official website

Fashion stores at Kildare Village

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Kildare Village: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Coach1 stores in Kildare+353 45 531 416
Asics1 stores in Kildare+353 45 531802
Diane von Furstenberg1 stores in Kildare+353 45 258033
DKNY1 stores in Kildare+353 45 531162
Kate Spade1 stores in Kildare+353 45 533033
Molton Brown1 stores in Kildare+353 45 535931
Mulberry1 stores in Kildare+353 45 534061
Nike1 stores in Kildare+353 45 535996
Joules1 stores in Kildare+353 45 527576
Furla1 stores in Kildare+353 45 520679
Giorgio ArmaniArmani Outlet1 stores in Kildare+353 45 521027
Calvin Klein Jeans1 stores in Kildare+353 45 535780
Heidi Klein1 stores in Kildare+353 45 531010
Hobbs1 stores in Kildare+353 45 520 582
Hackett1 stores in Kildare+353 45 520520
Gerard Darel1 stores in Kildare+353 45 527888
Juicy Couture1 stores in Kildare+353 45 535181
Lacoste1 stores in Kildare+353 45 520206