The Glades, Bromley – location and store directory

The Glades, Bromley – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 20 8313 9292.

Opening hours

Mon-Wed: 9am – 7pm, Thu: 9am – 9pm, Fri-Sat: 9am – 7pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm

The Glades shopping centre address, phone number, and map

The Glades (Bromley)Location: High Street, Bromley, BR1 1DN+44 20 8313 9292Opening hours: Mon-Wed: 9am – 7pm, Thu: 9am – 9pm, Fri-Sat: 9am – 7pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm
55 stores  in The Glades at

The Glades official website

Fashion stores at The Glades

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at The Glades: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Skechers1 stores in Bromley+44 208 466 5070
River Island1 stores in Bromley+44 20 8313 3332
Soletrader1 stores in Bromley+44 2083139292
Timberland1 stores in Bromley+44 208 466 7284
T. M. Lewin1 stores in Bromley+44 20 8464 2448
The White Company1 stores in Bromley+44 20 3700 4690
The Perfume Shop1 stores in Bromley+44 20 84660471
Swarovski1 stores in Bromley+44 20 8460 5550
Zara1 stores in Bromley0800 368 4990
White Stuff1 stores in Bromley+44 20 8466 5903
Vision Express1 stores in Bromley+44 20 8313 1545
Trespass1 stores in Bromley+44 20 8466 0700
Thomas Sabo1 stores in Bromley+44 203 2980 296
Superdry1 stores in Bromley
The Body Shop1 stores in Bromley+44 208 460 2379
Phase Eight1 stores in Bromley+44 208 460 9113
Rituals...1 stores in Bromley+44 208 466 0605
Holland & Barrett1 stores in Bromley+44 203 730 9271