House of Fraser, Leamington Spa – location and store directory

House of Fraser, Leamington Spa – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 344 800 3738.

Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 9am – 5:30pm, Sat: 9am – 6pm, Sun: 10:30am – 4:30pm

House of Fraser shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: CV32 4DA
M1 to M69 & A46 then A452 into town centre. M40 - South J14, North J13 then A452 into town. The store is located in the centre of main shopping Parade adjacent to Marks & Spencers & opposite the Royal Priors Shopping Centre. There are car parks on Russell Street, Bedford Street, Park Street, Augusta Place and Chandos Street.

By train
Leamington Spa is the nearest train station.

By bus
Bus services serving House of Fraser include: G1, X17, U2, 64, 67.

House of Fraser (Leamington Spa)Location: 76-86 Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4DA+44 344 800 3738Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 9am – 5:30pm, Sat: 9am – 6pm, Sun: 10:30am – 4:30pm
122 stores  in House of Fraser at

House of Fraser official website,default,pg.html

Fashion stores at House of Fraser

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at House of Fraser: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Pretty Polly1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Hobbs2 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Fulton1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Aristoc1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Charnos1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Calvin Klein Underwear1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Biba1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Andrew Marc1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Ollie & Nic1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Havaianas1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Joules1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Lipsy1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Criminal1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Balenciaga1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Carolina Herrera1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Davidoff1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Estee Lauder1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738
Paul Smith1 stores in Leamington Spa+44 344 800 3738