Gretna Gateway Outlet Village, Gretna – location and store directory

Gretna Gateway Outlet Village, Gretna – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 1461339028.

Opening hours

Mon-Sun: 10am – 6pm

Gretna Gateway Outlet Village shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: DG16 5GG
Gretna Gateway is just one minute away from the motorway. It is signposted from both the M6 and M74, simply take the Gretna exit from the M6/M74/A75 and follow the brown signs.
Parking is free.

By train
Gretna Green station is a short walk away and is served by trains from both Carlisle and Dumfries directions.

By bus
There is a bus-stop within Gretna Gateway itself with many services serving Carlisle, Dumfries and the surrounding area.

Gretna Gateway Outlet Village (Gretna)Location: Glasgow Road, Gretna, DG16 5GG+44 1461339028Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 10am – 6pm
30 stores  in Gretna Gateway Outlet Village at

Gretna Gateway Outlet Village official website

Fashion stores at Gretna Gateway Outlet Village

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Gretna Gateway Outlet Village: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Jeff Banks1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 338829
Marks&Spencer1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 339401
Lakeland1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 338875
Klass1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 339440
Skechers1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 337477
The Perfume Shop1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 339659
Roman Originals1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 339455
Sports Direct1 stores in Gretna+44 8703339400, Request Gretna 0794
Ralph LaurenPolo Ralph Lauren1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 338971
Edinburgh Woollen Mill1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 339084
Antler1 stores in Gretna+44 161 762 5189
beauty outlet1 stores in Gretna+44 1461 339496