The Galleria Outlet Shopping, Hatfield – location and store directory
The Galleria Outlet Shopping, Hatfield – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there
Phone number: +44 1707 278301.
Opening hours
Mon – Fri: 10am – 8pm, Sat: 10am – 6pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm
Cinema: 11am – late
The Galleria Outlet Shopping shopping centre address, phone number, and map
Getting there:
By car
Sat nav: AL10 9TF
The shopping centre is located right on top of the A1(M), between junctions 3 and 4. Follow the A1001- go north if you come off at J3, and south if you come off at J4. You'll find entrances to the car parks on both roundabouts.
Car park tariffs: 0 - 1 hour £1.30, 1 - 2 hours £2.30, 2 - 3 hours £3.00, 3 - 4 hours £4.00, over 4 hours £8.00, Saturday and Sunday £3.00 all day, after 6pm free.
By bus
Bus routes that service the shopping centre provided by Uno include: 341, 602, 603, 610, 614, 615, 632, 634, 636, 641, 655. Arriva bus routes that service the Galleria: 300 & 301.
By train
Direct train from Kings Cross will take you 20 minutes to Hatfield Station. The shopping centre is a 25 minute walk or 10 minute bus ride from the station. Uno buses №'s 603 or 341 and Arriva buses №'s 300 or 301 all stop near the station.
The Galleria Outlet Shopping (Hatfield)Location: Comet Way, Hatfield, AL10 0XR+44 1707 278301Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 10am – 8pm, Sat: 10am – 6pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm
30 stores
in The Galleria Outlet Shopping at glocalabel.com
The Galleria Outlet Shopping official website http://thegalleria.co.uk
Fashion stores at The Galleria Outlet Shopping
Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at The Galleria Outlet Shopping: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.