Accrington Arndale, Accrington – location and store directory

Accrington Arndale, Accrington – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 1254 301310.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: Closed

Accrington Arndale shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: BB5 1PL
Manchester Road, Blackburn Road, Hyndburn Road and Burnley Road run to Accrington. Parking is free for three hours.

By bus
The number 1 bus from Blackburn bus station operates every 10 minutes to Accrington Peel Street bus station and the number 23 runs from Burnley bus station every half hour.

Accrington Arndale (Accrington)Location: Union Street, Accrington, BB5 1PL+44 1254 301310Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: Closed
4 stores  in Accrington Arndale at

Accrington Arndale official website

Fashion stores at Accrington Arndale

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Accrington Arndale: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Superdrug1 stores in Accrington+44 1254 872013
Holland & Barrett1 stores in Accrington+44 1254 235114
Boots Opticians1 stores in Accrington+44 1254 232191
Blue Inc.1 stores in Accrington