Kingsway Centre, Newport (Wales) – location and store directory

Kingsway Centre, Newport (Wales) – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 1633 258151.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: 10am – 4pm
PureGym: 24/7

Kingsway Centre shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: NP20 1EU
Directions to the Kingsway Centre car park are signposted on the major routes into Newport.
Car park tariffs: up to 1 hour free, 1 – 2 hours £1.00, 2 – 3 hours £2.00, 3 – 5 hours £3.00, 5 – 10 hours £5.00, 10 – 24 hours £10.00, 6pm – 6am £1.00.

By bus
Newport’s new city centre bus station is attached to Friars Walk opposite Kingsway Centre

By train
Leaving Newport station concourse, cross Queensway and proceed down Bridge Street. Cross Westgate Square and continue along Commercial Street. The main entrance is on John Frost Square opposite Friars Walk.

Kingsway Centre (Newport (Wales))Location: 2 Emlyn St, Newport, NP20 1EW+44 1633 258151Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: 10am – 4pm
8 stores  in Kingsway Centre at

Kingsway Centre official website

Fashion stores at Kingsway Centre

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Kingsway Centre: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Bonmarche1 stores in Newport (Wales)01633 843 651
Warren James1 stores in Newport (Wales)+44 1633 244 013
Sainsbury's1 stores in Newport (Wales)+44 1633 258151
Select1 stores in Newport (Wales)+44 1633 258151
F. Hinds1 stores in Newport (Wales)+44 1633 258244
Claire's2 stores in Newport (Wales)+44 1633 250067
Peacocks2 stores in Newport (Wales)+44 1633 256 066
Pep & Co1 stores in Newport (Wales)+44 1633 258151