Items available at  Freshney Place Shopping Centre

Freshney Place Shopping Centre, Grimsby – location and store directory

Freshney Place Shopping Centre, Grimsby – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 1472 230250.

Opening hours

Mon-Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: 10:30am – 4:30pm

Freshney Place Shopping Centre shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: DN31 1ED
Enter Grimsby on either the A180, A46 or A16 then follow the signs for Town Centre, the East and West Car Parks are accessible from Frederick Ward Way.
Car park tariffs: Mon-Sat: up to 1 hour £1.00, 1-2 hours £2.00, 2-4 hours £3.00, 4-6 hours £6.00, 6-8 hours £8.00, over 8 hours £10.00; Sun: up to 1 hour £1.00, 1-2 hours £2.00, over 2 hours £2.50, all day £2.50.

By train
A regular rail service operates from all parts of the country directly into Grimsby station.

By bus
Buses regularly operate in and out of Frenchgate throughout the week.

Freshney Place Shopping Centre (Grimsby)Location: Grimsby, DN31 1ED+44 1472 230250Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: 10:30am – 4:30pm
141 stores  in Freshney Place Shopping Centre at

Freshney Place Shopping Centre official website

Fashion stores at Freshney Place Shopping Centre

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Freshney Place Shopping Centre: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

RadleyHouse of Fraser1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 359581
OfficeHouse of Fraser2 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 362394
Jacques VertHouse of Fraser1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 359581
DiorHouse of Fraser1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 359581
LancomeHouse of Fraser2 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 359581
BenchTK Maxx1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
Pandora1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 349084
SkechersTK Maxx1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
VersaceTK Maxx1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
SuperdryTK Maxx3 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
PineappleTK Maxx1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
NikeTK Maxx1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
DKNYTK Maxx4 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
FossilTK Maxx2 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
Disney StoreTK Maxx1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
Dolce & GabbanaTK Maxx1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 352842
Beaverbrooks1 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 344872
Giorgio ArmaniBeaverbrooks3 stores in Grimsby+44 1472 344244