The Orchards Shopping Centre, Dartford – location and store directory

The Orchards Shopping Centre, Dartford – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 1322 289383.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: 10am – 4pm

The Orchards Shopping Centre shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: DA1 1DN
Car park tariffs: Mon-Sat 7:30am - 12pm: up to 1 hour £0.50, 1-2 hours £1.00, 2-3 hours £1.50, 3-4 hours £2.00, 4-5 hours £3.00, over 5 hours £10.00; 6pm - 6am: up to 1 hour £1.50, over 1 hour £3.50, up to 24 hours £20.00. Sunday & Bank Holidays 9am-4pm: up to 2 hours free, 2-3 hours £0.50, 3-4 hours £1.00, 4-5 hours £1.50, normal tariff applies after 4pm.

The Orchards Shopping Centre (Dartford)Location: High St, Dartford, DA1 1DN+44 1322 289383Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 9am – 5:30pm, Sun: 10am – 4pm
5 stores  in The Orchards Shopping Centre at

The Orchards Shopping Centre official website

Fashion stores at The Orchards Shopping Centre

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at The Orchards Shopping Centre: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Boots1 stores in Dartford+44 1322 223664
Peacocks1 stores in Dartford+44 1322 290003
New look1 stores in Dartford+44 1322 629290
JD Sports1 stores in Dartford+44 1322 475185
Primark1 stores in Dartford+44 1322 289302