Items available at  The Beacon

The Beacon, Eastbourne – location and store directory

The Beacon, Eastbourne – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: 01323 643431.

Opening hours

Mon – Sat: 08:00 – 00:00, Sun: 09:30 – 00:00;
Individual store opening hours may vary.

The Beacon shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Sat nav: BN21 3NW
First car park is situated above the Centre and the second car park is two minutes away in Junction Road.

The Beacon (Eastbourne)Location: The Beacon, Eastbourne, BN21 3NW01323 643431Opening hours: Mon – Sat: 08:00 – 00:00, Sun: 09:30 – 00:00. Individual store opening hours may vary.
34 stores  in The Beacon at

The Beacon official website

Fashion stores at The Beacon

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at The Beacon: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Yours Clothing1 stores in Eastbourne01323 736641
Specsavers1 stores in Eastbourne01323 649767
Smiggle1 stores in Eastbourne01323 725847
Skechers1 stores in Eastbourne
Schuh1 stores in Eastbourne01323 419702
Quiz1 stores in Eastbourne
Phase Eight1 stores in Eastbourne
Jack Wills1 stores in Eastbourne01323 722826
H&M1 stores in Eastbourne+44-3447369000
Fatface1 stores in Eastbourne01323 644 359
Deichmann1 stores in Eastbourne01323 748868
MenKind1 stores in Eastbourne01323 647022
Bonmarche1 stores in Eastbourne01323 721169
The Perfume Shop1 stores in Eastbourne01323 642109
Sainsbury's1 stores in Eastbourne01323 639344
Primark1 stores in Eastbourne01323 746748
Next2 stores in Eastbourne01323 636250
Lush1 stores in Eastbourne01323 411776