Grand Arcade, Cambridge – location and store directory

Grand Arcade, Cambridge – location, opening hours, store directory, and the most sought-after clothing items available there

Phone number: +44 1223 302601.

Opening hours

Mon – Tue: 9am – 6pm, Wed: 9am – 8pm, Thu – Fri: 9am – 6pm, Sat: 9am – 7pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm

Grand Arcade shopping centre address, phone number, and map

Getting there:

By car
Cambridge is serviced north to south by the M11, and east to west by the A14. Follow the signs to Grand Arcade.
Grand Arcade car park Satnav: CB2 3QF.

Car park tariffs: Mon-Fri 7am - 5pm: up to 1 hour £2.30, up to 2 hours £4.60, up to 3 hours £6.90, up to 4 hours £10.20, up to 5 hours £19.50, over 5 hours £25. Sat 9am-5pm: up to 1 hour £2.60, up to 2 hours £5.10, up to 3 hours £7.60, up to 4 hours £11.70, up to 5 hours £20.50, over 5 hours £26.
Sun 10am-5pm: £2 per hour. Everyday from 5pm: £1.20 per hour.

By the Park and Ride
There are 5 Park and Ride locations around Cambridge with regular buses into the city. The locations are; Babraham Road, Madingley Road, Milton, Newmarket Road and Trumpington. Park & Ride service costs £2.70 for 1 day and £1 for the parking for up to 18 hours.

By train
You can reach Cambridge from London's King's Cross, London's Liverpool Street, Norwich, Kings Lynn and Peterborough. Grand Arcade is a 15 minute walk from the station. Also you can take a bus to the city centre from the train station.

By bus
Many buses serve the city centre and stop at the interchanges of Emmanuel Street and Drummer Street, just outside Grand Arcade.

Grand Arcade (Cambridge)Location: St. Andrews Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AX+44 1223 302601Opening hours: Mon – Tue: 9am – 6pm, Wed: 9am – 8pm, Thu – Fri: 9am – 6pm, Sat: 9am – 7pm, Sun: 11am – 5pm
37 stores  in Grand Arcade at

Grand Arcade official website

Fashion stores at Grand Arcade

Directory of clothing, footwear, and accessories stores at Grand Arcade: product photos, reviews, and product listings are all available on dedicated retailer pages.

Charles Clinkard1 stores in Cambridge+44 1642 796965